Friday, January 29, 2010

Hockey uniform blank vectors

Justin, here are some vectors you can download and start to play around with.
Click here
Click here

Cardboard Hockey Rings

In my search for blank "flats" (illustrations usually for anything that is mass produced such as team uniforms which are blank in order for a designer to use in their design) I came across these vintage cardboard hockey rings (click link for larger view) and thought they were interesting historical sports memorabilia. Check 'em out. - Mr. Smith

Monday, January 4, 2010

Some interesting adds.

I found this page while surfing for adds to use in my current project.

It is full of eye catching adds that, unfortunately, are not often seen.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

An installation of an upside down house in Trassenheide Germany was opened to the public two weeks ago and was designed by Polish partners Klaudiusz Golos and Sebastion Mikuciuk for the Edutainment exhibition company.

People who have visited the house reported feeling dizzy and disorientated. An interesting alternative view of every day items and the designers did a great job with the interior. Similar buildings have been designed upside down before but only from the exterior.


Sunday, October 18, 2009

House In Niho II

Here is a house in Niho, designed by Ryuichi Furumoto. This is an ultra- modern house while still embodying traditional Japanese aesthetics. Furumoto says that he was trying to be "soft and kind with the concrete" with this one. Check him out, he has some pretty unique designs and his style is catchy.

Storm Thorgerson

muse Pictures, Images and Photos
The story of how I came to discover Storm Thorgerson is a peculiar one, being that I had admired and even owned some of his work without knowing who he was. Thorgerson is a graphic designer from England who has created and designed some of the most interesting works of art I have ever seen, not to mention the fact that he is responsible for a few of the greatest album covers in history. The thing I like the most about his work is the recurring theme of multitudes of unusual images, providing visual evidence of the power of repetition. I first admired this theme in his work, without actually knowing of him, on the cover of an album I own, Absolution by Muse (seen above). He has also designed album covers for Led Zeppelin, Dream Theater, Audioslave, Styx, and Yes, his most famous piece of cover art being by far the one he created for Pink Floyd's The Dark Side of the Moon album. For more of his iconic work, you can visit his website at

Visual Acoustics: The Modernism of Julius Shulman

Visual Acoustics, a documentary narrated by Dustin Hoffman, follows the career path of the late Julius Shulman. Shulman is considered by many to be the greatest architectural photographer of all time. His work is viewed as capturing the true spirit and beauty of modernist architecture. Possibly the most famous and recognizable photo of his is entitled "Case Study House #22" and can be seen at :20 into the trailer. The film was released at Cinema Village in New York on October 9 and the Nuart Theatre in Los Angeles on October 16.